The System Disappears As The Artists Appear.
Clairvoyant System Two
(From Terry London's Review of Jena Labs Cables)
Two weeks ago, I received a request from ...a gentleman [who wanted] to come visit to hear my reference system because he was very interested in possibly purchasing the NSMT System Two speakers. However, after reading my review, he wanted to audition them to see if they were what he sought for his system. He flew from Dallas, Texas, to my home just outside Chicago on Saturday morning and spent about three hours intensely listening to the system. I have shared [his] experience below about my system...
My wife was very excited to hear what I thought of the Clairvoyant System Two speakers when I got home, but I found myself at a bit of a loss to relay the full impact of the experience. I told her all about the rich, dense tone colors, the holographic imaging, the massive soundstage, the startling dynamics, the small, quiet details that emerged from within the louder soundscape, and the articulate and powerful bass. But, somehow, that didn’t seem to communicate the emotional response of being immersed in that kind of performance.
The Beethoven 6th was the best example of the inexplicable experience. I found myself looking at different performers on the stage as they commanded my attention. I enjoyed the interplay among the musicians and wondered how a human mind could have composed such an incredible piece of music that could powerfully stir the listener’s emotions. The sound of the speakers and system was conspicuously absent from my thoughts. There was simply no capacity for critical evaluation of the equipment while I was completely focused on the musical performance of the artists on stage. As I write that, I realize that perhaps the best explanation of the inexplicable that I can offer is that the system disappears as the artists appear.