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The NSMT High Performance Series

powerful, high efficiency, time aligned, loudspeakers

NSMT Chorus

Model 25/Chorus

NSMT model 50

Model 50/Jamaica

NSMT Model 75

Model 75

NSMT Model 100

The Model 100

NSMT PSM super monitor speaker

The PSM Super Monitor

Model 15SE 

Model 15SE

Two-way loudspeakers have been some of the purest loudspeakers, because of their tonal and timbral accuracy, and because of their imaging and accurate spatial presentation. However, the magic of two-way monitors is often limited by mediocre bass extension and constricted dynamic performance. To solve these problems, we utilize innovative approaches based on extensive research to design powerful, highly efficient,  compact,  loudspeakers that deliver the spatial, tonal, and timbral qualities of the best two-way minimonitors and the bass extension and dynamic ease of large floor standing loudspeakers. But not only that, these loudspeakers represent the holy grail for audiophile loudspeakers: They are minimalist first-order and second-order, time coherent, designs.